Monday, September 17, 2012


The Battle of Wills

We opted not to find out with this pregnancy the gender of the baby. And when I say "we", I actually mean "I". Matt was wholeheartedly against gender non-disclosure. I didn't disagree with him, necessarily. I can and have actually made a very strong case over the years for the belief that parents should learn the gender of their baby prenatally. 

I'll admit my motivation was primarily selfish. I just didn't really want to share my pregnancy this time. Leaving some details known to only Heaven above seemed appropriate.

Maybe I'll blog sometime about why I think, in general parents should learn their baby's gender, and the pros and cons of either decision, but I'm not up to it today. It's a hot-button issue, and one that I'd have to address sensitively. People have very strong views one way or the other on this, for some reason. I just don't feel like mustering that kind of tact right now. 

So, for a variety of reasons, we didn't find out this baby's gender

Are you hoping for a girl?

One advantage is that Matt & I have had the entertainment of naming not one, but two babies this time: a boy and a girl, one of whom, will of course, turn out to be imaginary. I'm sure we'll mourn the loss of which ever imaginary child we don't give birth to, and therein lies the converse disadvantage.

But, assuming this baby is another boy, we may never have another chance to name a daughter, even if she does turn out to have existed only in our imaginations.

We already have two boys, and so many people I talk to assume, and quite naturally so, I suppose, that we are hoping for a girl this time. And, I suppose we are. But we are also wholeheartedly hoping for a boy. Since we know I'm not carrying twins, we'll be disappointed and delighted either way.

Only Heaven Knows

Early on, I hoped sincerely for a girl, and prayed for a girl. Then, I seemed to hear God telling me I needed to make peace with having another boy, and then I started to truly want a third boy. Really, when I look at the two absolutely adorable boys I already have, it's impossible for me not to want a third little boy. And then I look at the mountain of little boy toys in my parlor, their bedroom, my waiting room, and my yard, and I break out in a cold sweat at the thought of adding yet more toys (girl toys: barbies, baby dolls, etc.) to the chaos.

So, I spent several weeks expecting a boy, and now I go back and forth; as I said earlier: only Heaven knows.

So, now for your guessing enjoyment, I'll share with you the babies' names in our daydreams. No, I'm not going to tell you the names we have have settled on. I'm going to give you the lists (in alphabetical order) we've considered and let you guess what we've chosen. Feel free to offer your input, knowing we're firmly resolved and it won't make any difference in our choice. Feel free, also to share your own favorites. It's fun to have imaginary babies, after all.

You'll notice our taste tends toward the traditional, familial, and maybe even obscure. Please don't make fun of the choices...they're our real imaginary children, after all.

Also, I would ask, if you DO know the names we have chosen, please do not spoil our fun by disclosing it here in cyberspace. Thank you.

Imaginary Girl Babies

Adelaide, Caroline, Diane, Grace, Lottie, Lucy, Mabel, Nora, Olive, Ruby, Viola, Violet, Zoe

Imaginary Boy Babies

Allen, Charlie, Daniel, Isidore, Isaac, Luke, Nathan, Noah, Oliver, Perry, Theodore, Timothy, Zeke

John's Picks

Donald & Shirley (after we convinced him that you can't name a baby "Grandma Diane")


  1. I love them all! (Especially Isidore, the patron of farmers.)

    I also was amused that, in alphabetical order, Charlie Daniel ended up next to each other. :)

  2. Many family names here :) I like Lottie, Viola and Zoe for girl names. I like Allen, Isaac and Theodore for boy names. Maybe I have the pronounciation incorrect in my head but couldn't Isidore be a girl or a boy?

  3. Thanks, Twila! "Isidore" could be converted to "Isidora" or "Isadora" for a girl. And my great-grandmother's name, if I'm not mistaken, was "Isa", so that wouldn't be a bad choice. (Grandpa Pearl's mom)

  4. Oh Isa is awesome (if it is pronounced ice-a).

    Lucy Diane is kind of charming.

    And I'm going to go with Theodore Allen for a guy. Theo for short, of course!

    I have a likeing for Irene as a middle name (ala Grandma Parker). I also fancy using Grandma Helen's middle name, but can't quite figure out what to put it with. Diane may make an appearance as well, if we were to ever have a girl child (as I believe you blessed the idea a while back).

    My latest boy name fascination is Solomon.

    This is still all very imaginary for anyone wondering;)

    1. Good suggestions, Angela. And, yes, you still have my blessing for a Baby Diane, regardless of whether I have one or not! that's a wise choice. (I crack me up!)

  5. I go for Diane and that way she is named after a very strong woman who I had the horor of going to school with

  6. That is me Debbie as anonymous!!! I figured out I can do that without all the other stuff I don't know how to do!!!!!

  7. I guess Grace for a girl and Daniel for a boy. Baby guessing is so much fun!

    1. Good guesses...I like them both...obviously, since they're both on the list!

      We shall see!

  8. I like all of them grace was our middle name choice before our path changed on our journey and we used Ashley. I think you are having a girl to mix it up at your house. if you do Olivia has a stroller and highchair that are looking for a new home she us getting a new set tod her birthday and a few other girl items. insaw myself with a boy I was shocked when we got a girl all of my dreams were a boy.
    love monika and olivia

    1. Thanks, Monika. Grace is certainly one of the most perfect middle name choices I can imagine. It would go with just about any first name choice. It sure is hard to imagine having a girl at our house, though.

      Thanks for the offer of the girl stuff...I may just have to take you up on that. We'll have to wait and see!
